5 Best Ways To Increase Views On Youtube

YouTube is one of the social media platforms that is used by people of every age range. From old to young, everyone likes to use YouTube to find the best video content. No wonder the world is getting dominated by video, and YouTube is top of the list of video platforms. As a result, every marketer is now considering using the platform for their content marketing.

Whether you are a content marketer, vlogger, professional YouTuber, or influencer, your videos’ common target is to get more views. You have to attract the viewers to play the video for at least 30 seconds to get a view. If you are here reading the article, it means you want to find out the best ways to increase the views on YouTube.

Top 5 Ways To Increase Views On Youtube 

There are plenty of ways available that you can apply to increase views on your YouTube videos. However, we have handpicked the five most effective ways to increase the views of videos. Following them will help you to get more views and new subscribers as well. So, let’s jump in to find out the five ways in detail.

1. Create High-Quality Content

The most important and basic thing you need to keep in mind while targeting views is making quality videos. If your videos are not high-quality, all the tricks and tips will only take you a bit far. So it is the fundamental thing that needs to be very good.

Whatever genre you make videos in, you need to ensure that your video is excellent and different from other competitors. It takes a lot of time to make a good video, but it also helps provide great views and results. So, even if it takes a lot of time to create a video, make sure to create it very well.

2. Research On Competitors 

Before creating videos on your channel, take your time to research the competitors. Without researching them, you will not be able to get an idea about the market trends, position, target audiences, and many more. Watch their videos to take ideas and utilize them in other ways.

However, do not copy the same concepts, it will not help you to get many views. Even if you have learned how to avoid copyright on YouTube, the same concept video will not help you get views.

You have to learn which channels are best for that particular niche and follow them to learn about their strategies and actions. This will help you to get one step ahead of them and create unique videos. It might take some time to research your competitors, but it is worth it.

3. Thumbnails 

Another very good way to get increased views on YouTube is by creating unique thumbnails. How do you click on a video on YouTube? By looking at only the title? No, the most common thing that everyone does is check out the thumbnail. Thumbnail is a part of the video that helps users know what the video is about and works as a still preview.

You have to make sure that your video thumbnail is attractive and clean to make the viewers interested. Try to create a custom thumbnail with an accurate and clear image that will help viewers get an idea of what is inside the video. However, you need to make it interesting while keeping it informative.

When creating a custom thumbnail, small things like fonts, background images, color contrasts, and other things play a significant role. You have to make sure that these things are up to the mark to make people check out your videos and increase the views.

4. Create A Playlist 

When someone is watching your video, you have to ensure that the viewer does not move onto any other videos leaving your channel. The best way to ensure that is by creating a playlist that will help the viewers to stay engaged. After completing one video of your channel, another video will start to play. This way, you are getting views on your videos instantly. The playlist works very well if you have videos in part or connected to the same topic.

5. Giveaways And Quiz 

You can increase the view of your videos by hosting different events and providing prizes. For example, suppose you are a gaming channel, and you have made a gameplay video of a game. You can ask the viewers that you will ask a question from something from the video; if they give the correct answer, the lucky ten winners will get some gifts.

This way, you will be able to attract a lot of viewers to your channel and make them watch the videos. If you are getting issues downloading videos from YouTube, find out how to stop Chrome from blocking downloads.

Read Also: Search Engine Magazine, Social Media Magazine, Mashum Mollah, Blog Stellar.


YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world that offers billions of videos to users. You will be able to find videos on different niches easily with just one search. However, if you are a content maker, you need to know how to increase views on your videos. Here are the five best ways to increase the views on your YouTube videos.

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